Raising the roof...

Last Friday 8th March was International Women’s Day – whoop whoop! To celebrate this important day, for the second year running we welcomed back the brilliant Stand Up 4 Women. This was an evening of stand up comedy to create awareness about domestic abuse and raise funds for Solace Women’s Aid. They had seven incredible acts stirring things up and making an impact last Wednesday 6th March and the show went down a storm.

Whenever there is an opportunity to make people laugh and raise money for incredible causes we jump at the chance. There are so many fantastic events coming up at 2Northdown with a good few raising money and awareness for worthy charities. We’re shouting about a few below but take a look HERE to choose what you fancy.

SUCCUBUS: MARCH ISSUE, Monday 18th March - Razor-sharp women's satirical magazine, Succubus, brings you a mixed-bill hour of comedy championing new female comedy writers and stand-ups. Featuring some of the best and brightest comedy writers in the UK who, between them, have credits on The Now Show, Dead Ringers, The Daily Mash, The Mash Report, The News Quiz and more. Come and support some very cool ladies at this super cool night. Did we mention we think they’re cool.

SCIENCE SHOW OFF: CHAOTIC and CLEVER COMEDY, Saturday 23rd March - All your ticket money will go to the Angel Comedy Trust to be used for comedy classes for kids in Islington, helping to boost their self confidence and improve their self expression. 

THAT’S MENTAL, Thursday 28 March - They're back! Sanctus and Com4Com host a night of stand up to help show that there's sometimes a funny side to mental health. Sanctus is on a mission to change the perception of mental health. This night will break down the stigma and let people tell their stories on their own terms. Sharing the parts that made them laugh... and cry 
Get ready for some seasoned comics and some newcomers to the game. Through a three-part workshop, Com4Com has trained some of the Sanctus Community to do their own stand-up, telling their mental health story for the first time in a unique way. This is a night to open up conversation about mental health and celebrate a unique way of telling a story. How bloomin’ brilliant!

If you want to put on something funny (or not) in aid of something brilliant please get in touch at hello@2northdown.com. If we’ve got the room we’d love to book you in!